The best of all worlds
Your ultimate AI playground
Use all the latest and greatest AI models from one single interface. Mix and match different text, image and audio models from different providers. Test and compare what works best for the task at hand to achieve optimal results, or simply use auto-mode.
Powered by the best models
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ExpertLlama enables anyone to experiment with all open sourced and proprietary AI models.
Fine-tune your own models, create custom knowledge bases, build chatbots and more. Use all the latest available models and features seamlessly from one screen, for the price of just one.
Welcome to the era of modular AI
Open source
Use open sourced Llama models for various reasons.
Use the best models from the big providers.
Customisable, flexible and adaptive.
Plug and play with different text, image and audio models. Switch seamlessly between everything from one single chat.
Always use the best model for the task at hand.
Open source
The demand for open source AI grows every day. For most people the technical aspect was a serious issue, that’s where ExpertLlama comes in.
We went through the hassle so you don’t have to.
All in one place
There are so many great models on the market, all with their own features and benefits. ExpertLlama lets you use them all in one place.
Pay as you go
Simply pay for what you use with credits. Cross models and features.
Free forever plan.
Premium plans are usage-based.
Experiment with different models and optimise your workflow
Play around to find what works best for you and your needs.
Create datasets and knowledge bases, or fine-tune and test your own models.
Use your refined model or launch your app.
Get comfortable in your all-in-one AI hub
Unique features
Auto-model mode, dataset generation, modular knowledge bases and much more.
Pioneers by heart
We always stay at the frontlines of AI space, trying to solve the unsolved.
Innovate, create and move forward.
Custom data
Connect to your own custom data to make agents for anything you want, from personal assistants to customer chatbots.
Join the revolution with
Blow away the fog and find clarity in the cluttered AI space.